
Partner with one of the most established nonprofits in the region

Founded in 1891, the Chemung County SPCA is the oldest non-profit animal welfare organization in our region, and one of the oldest continuously-operating animal welfare organizations in the country. Having served generations of families in the area, our programs and services reach out to a wide cross-section of our community.

Select which program to sponsor

Choose a program that appeals to you or that fits with your business and customers:

  • The Animal Rescue Fund
  • The Community Cat Fund
  • The Pet Food Pantry Fund
  • The Spay and Neuter Fund
  • The Tooth Fairy Fund

Get your company's name out there

Get your business seen on our social media

  • with over 23,000 likes on Facebook, and 5,000 Instagram followers and growing, we have a following that regularly engages with our content 

And on the SPCA website

  • receives a high volume of traffic as folks search for animals to adopt and schedule services

And in our newsletters

  • reach out to over 2,000 donors three times a year directly to their homes

And on signage at the shelter

  • be seen by all adopters, visitors, and program recipients in high traffic areas of the shelter


Provides for the care of animals that come to the shelter with conditions, illnesses or injuries that require immediate veterinary care.

Every year, more than 50 animals receive urgent veterinary treatment for conditions ranging from factures, to respiratory distress, to chronic immune system disorders.

Your sponsorship will help provide urgent care and second chances to cats and dogs so deserving of a helping hand.


Helps offset the cost of spaying and neutering free-roaming cats and

helps reduce overpopulation and provides a humane option to less desirable alternatives

and helps to alleviate the needless suffering associated with unwanted births.

Your sponsorship will spay/neuter and vaccinate community cats


Provides pet food to families faced with emergencies or financial hardship impacting their ability to provide food for their pets and

Helps prevent pet owners from having to choose between feeding their animals and feeding themselves and

Greatly reduces the number of animals being relinquished to the shelter just because their owners cannot always afford proper pet nutrition.

Your sponsorship ensures that animals get to stay in their homes with their families.


Helps offset the cost of spaying or neutering every dog and cat placed by us for adoption

And helps us to prevent unwanted births while eliminating diseases of the reproductive system associated with unaltered cats and dogs and

Greatly reduces the undesirable behaviors common in pets who are not spayed or neutered, which increases their chances of staying in their homes.

Your sponsorship ensures that animals adopted from the SPCA are all spayed/neutered.


Provides funding for two of the most common procedures that need to be performed on incoming cats and dogs - dental cleanings and extractions.

Poor dental health not only compromises the animals' well-being, it also makes them much more difficult to adopt.

Your sponsorship will help offset the cost of standard dental cleanings and

will cover the cost of average cleanings with limited extractions.

Select your sponsorship level:

Level 1


  • Social media posts once a month for a year

Level 2


  • Social media posts once a month for a year
  • Your logo on the SPCA website sponsored program page for a year

Level 3


  • Social media posts once a month for a year
  • Your logo on the SPCA website sponsored program page for a year
  • Your logo in our newsletter 3 issues/year

Level 4


  • Social media posts once a month for a year
  • Your logo on the SPCA website sponsored program page for a year
  • Your logo in our newsletter 3 issues/year
  • Your logo on shelter signage for a year
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